Live Animal Transport: Closing the Gap
Join policy makers, veterinarians and experts for the webinar ‘Animal Transport: Closing the Gap between EU Requirements and Enforcement ' on the 23rd of February 2021 from 12:00 - 14:00
The EU has had rules governing animal welfare during transport since 1977 and since Regulation 1/2005 on the protection of animals during transport became applicable in 2007, the European Union, Member States, Regions and economic actors are working on improving the enforcement of this legislation.
Lack of official veterinarians, unrealistic journey times and logs, overloaded trucks and transport under extreme temperatures are amongst the frequent infringements to the European rules on the transport of live animals. In extreme cases, these breaches can lead to extreme animal suffering and can even endanger human safety in case of accidents. Representatives from the EU Commission and Member States Authorities, veterinarians, transporters and NGOs will discuss problems concerning the enforcement of this legislation.
This virtual event, is co-hosted by Thomas Waitz MEP (Greens/EFA, Austria), Anja Hazekamp MEP (The Left, The Netherlands), Martin Hojsik MEP (Renew Europe, Slovakia), Michal Wiezik MEP (EPP, Slovakia), Niels Fuglsang MEP (S&D, Denmark) and Eleonora Evi MEP (Greens/EFA, Italy) and organized by FOUR PAWS.
You can register for the event here!

Preliminary Programme
Welcome words
- Josef Pfabigan, CEO, FOUR PAWS
- MEP Thomas Waitz (Greens/EFA / Austria)
- MEP Anja Hazekamp (The Left / The Netherlands)
Short Presentations
- Ina Müller-Arnke, Expert Farm Animal and Nutrition, FOUR PAWS
Systemic breaches of Regulation 1/2005
- Dr. Alexander Rabitsch, Doctor in veterinary medicine
Most frequent breaches observed in the field
Moderated Panel discussion with Additional Panelists, including a Q&A Session with Panelists, MEPs and attendance
- Dr. Andrea Gavinelli, Director, European Commission, DG SANTE, G5 – Animal welfare, Antimicrobial resistance
- Sanna Mesman, National Contact point Animal Welfare - Art 24 Reg (EC) No 1/2005, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, The Netherlands
- Dr. Alexander Rabitsch, Doctor in veterinary medicine
- Gabriel Paun, EU Director, Animals International
- Animal Transporter (tbc)
Moderator – Pierre Sultana, Director of the European Policy Office, FOUR PAWS