European Press Releases

Find all our press releases concerning animal rights campaigns, events, operations and more, here.

      Illegal puppy trade

      No More Half-Measures: FOUR PAWS Asks for Stronger Dog and Cat Legislation!

      Commenting on the Draft Report of Ms. Vrecionová on the proposal for a Regulation of the EP and of the Council on the welfare of dogs and cats and their traceability.

      Josef Pfabigan, CEO of FOUR PAWS

      World Federation for Animals Announces Josef Pfabigan as New President

      FOUR PAWS President and CEO Josef Pfabigan will head the global coalition of over 70 NGOs to drive forward animal welfare around the world

      Calves during transport

      Commission’s statement on animal welfare welcome, if unclear

      Commenting on today's Commission Statement on the remaining animal welfare proposals in the European Parliament Plenary

      Calves during transport

      Commission must heed Member States’ demands on animal welfare reform 

      Commenting today on the exchange in the [Agriculture and Fisheries] Council of the EU on the paper from Sweden.

      Fur farms

      Romania Bans Fur Farming! But FOUR PAWS Continues Calling for an EU-Wide Ban

      Romania is becoming the 16th EU Member State to ban fur farming by 2027 

      Calf with cow

      Death and Suffering During Live Animal Transports in Europe

      FOUR PAWS urges the EU Parliament and the Council to revise the legislation on the protection of animals during transport and end needless animal suffering

      Sheep poster by animal welfare ngos

      Silent Suffering: Photo Exhibition Highlights Cruel Realities of Animals in Europe

      The immense suffering of animals in Europe was brought to light during a photo exhibition hosted by animal welfare NGOs FOUR PAWS and Eurogroup for Animals.

      Sleeping pig

      FOUR PAWS congratulates EC for AW Commissioner

      For the first time, animal welfare is included in the title of a Commissioner.

      puppy trade in Hungary

      Cruel puppy trade is thriving on Facebook and Instagram

      Investigations by global animal welfare organisation reveal thriving trade of puppies across Europe in breach of Meta, country and EU regulations

      stray dogs

      EU Member States reach agreement on cats and dogs regulation, but loopholes remain

      FOUR PAWS welcomes the Council General Approach, but highlights missed opportunity 

      Rescued tiger in Lionsrock

      Europeans have spoken: It’s crunch time for animal welfare

      Citizens demand action, now the new European Parliament and Commission must champion animal welfare.

      FOUR PAWS employee protesting in front of the European Parliament

      Brussels’ top five fails in animal welfare

      FOUR PAWS launches international campaign in the run-up to EU's polls in June

      cow in stable

      EU 2040 Climate targets: EU Commissioners avoid the Cow in the Room

      While the EU is now set to slash 90% of its emissions by 2040, the European Commission is avoiding the task of tackling emissions from animal agriculture. It cannot continue to do so if the EU is to reach its climate targets. 

      dog and cat resting

      European Commission publishes last-minute proposal on Pets

      FOUR PAWS welcomes new move to finally tackle illegal pet trade 

      EU flag

      BREAKING: Three Key Developments for Animal Welfare in the EU

      FOUR PAWS comments on the European Commission's proposal for a new regulation on pets, its proposal to revise EU rules on the protection of animals during transport, and its official response to the Fur Free Europe ECI - all published today.

      cattle inside dairy farm

      Industrial farming to be given another free pass: Cattle farming excluded from IED

      The European co-legislators’ provisional agreement would see the exclusion of cattle farming from the pollution prevention rules of the law, making it impossible for it to achieve the intended results. 


      Long overdue: New Eurobarometer figures show staggering support for stronger EU animal welfare legislation

      The Eurobarometer results only solidify and emphasise the absolute urgency to implement and ensure a higher level of animal welfare. 

      raccoon dog in cage

      Fur Free Europe ECI receives European Parliament hearing

      The European Citizens Initiative to outlaw fur farming across all EU Member States receives overwhelming support from three European Parliamentary key committees

      Demonstration in front of the European Commission

      Animal welfare organisations demand promises to be kept on new EU laws

      A demonstration outside the European Commission's headquarters saw speeches from key organisations MEPs urging the commission for stronger action

      pigs in cages

      European Commission rows back on timeline of Animal Welfare reforms

      The European Commission set to miss deadline to honour European Citizens' Initiative to End the Cage Age


      State of the Union 2023: Ursula von der Leyen’s forgotten Animal Welfare pledge

      FOUR PAWS notes that commitments to improving animal welfare, in-line with the Commission's own plans, were conspicuous by their absence. Were all the promises empty talk? 

      intensive dairy farm

      Despite serious warnings: cattle farming excluded from the Industrial Emissions Directive

      The European Parliament votes to exclude cattle farming from the scope of the law meant to regulate pollution, emptying the regulation from its substance. 

      cow with calf

      The EU Soil Monitoring Law must not ignore livestock farming

      FOUR PAWS welcomes the adoption of the proposal for an EU Soil Law but calls for binding targets and brings attention to the absence of provisions on livestock farming.

      racoon dog in cage

      18 Member States call for an EU-wide ban on fur farming

      Austria, Germany and the Netherlands present their outright support for a ban on fur farming in the EU, calling on the Commission to act on the Fur Free Europe ECI

      rescued fox from fur farm

      BREAKING: EU has the chance to ban fur farms once and for all

      Over one million EU Citizens say they want fur farms to be outlawed across all Member States

      lamb jumping

      OECD calls upon businesses to uphold Animal Welfare standards in its updated guidelines

      For the first time ever the international policy platform has included animal welfare it is RBC guidelines

      cattle in intensive rearing systems

      Challenging road ahead: ENVI vote must lead to more ambitious regulation on livestock farming pollution

      Environment MEPs have voted to include cattle in the scope of the Industrial Emissions Directive. A good, yet mild first step towards better regulation of livestock farming pollution. 

      pig looks out of transport truck

      Urgent change needed: European Court of Auditors exposes severe deficiencies in live animal transport practices

      The review shows that animal welfare violations in live animal transport will continue to be systematic if the rules are not changed in the upcoming EU legislation.

      pigs in intensive farm

      The European Parliament must maintain the 150 LSU threshold for the IED, not give the livestock sector another free pass.

      The Industrial Emissions Directive should serve as an effective measure to prevent pollution by targeting the biggest emitters in the sector and safeguarding animal welfare.  

      fox outside

      Record breaking numbers of EU Citizens call on the European Commission to end Fur Farming

      ECI Fur Free Europe has received a record-breaking collection of signatures over a ten-month period. 

      cows in transport

      Live Animal Transport: Member States divided, but the Commission remains in favour of real reform

      Stella Kyriakides stated that animal transport is a key part of the revision process and a “high priority for the Commission”

      cow in truck

      Eight Member States seek to blunt the ambition of EU new laws on animal welfare

      Animal welfare organisation FOUR PAWS alarmed calling on EU Agricultural Ministers to stop suffering of livestock

      tiger in cage

      FOUR PAWS welcomes the release of the newly revised Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking

      Today the European Commission has released its newly revised EU action plan against wildlife trafficking 

      plucked geese

      Despite EU-wide ban: Cruel Live plucking of geese still common in Poland

      FOUR PAWS reveals animal welfare violations on almost half of investigated farms

      MEPs in front of the European Parliament for the FurFreeEurope ECI


      Today NGOs and MEPs mark the launch of the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) which aims to achieve an EU-wide ban on fur farming 

      Cows in a barn

      Implementation report passed by the European Parliament fails to address major animal welfare concerns

      The report is harshly criticized by NGOs for lacking ambition and ignoring scientific discoveries of the last decade.

      Cow in a transporter

      FOUR PAWS calls on the European Commission and Member states to go beyond the recommendations on live animal transport passed today in the European Parliament

      The Members of the European Parliament voted today on the recommendations passed by the Committee of inquiry on transport (ANIT) in December of 2021.

      Circus Elephant

      European Parliament shows broad political support to Stop Circus Suffering

      Thanks to 1 million citizens demanding action for wild animals in circuses, today the European Parliament (EP) discussed the topic in plenary for the very first time. The European Commission’s position is not committal and in sharp opposition to the EP’s demand for action. However, the debate showed a groundswell of political support to end the suffering of wild animals in entertainment, and a recognition for the public and civil society demands.

      Happy Pig

      FOUR PAWS joins the European Commission’s event ‘Animal Welfare Today and Tomorrow’

      The global animal welfare organization is excited to participate in the conference organized by the European Institutions to discuss urgent concerns with and needed changes to the EU legislation on animal welfare.

      Animal Transport Truck

      ANIT adopts report and recommendations on live animal transport: FOUR PAWS calls on Parliament to strengthen recommendations in plenary

      The Committee of Inquiry on Animal Transport (ANIT) in the European Parliament voted on the report describing the systemic problems with live animal transport within and outside the European Union and draft recommendations that will be voted on in plenary. The documents already address first important aspects, but more ambition is needed.

      Pigs in Cages


      The Document submitted by the respective governments to be discussed in this week’s AGRIFISH Council Meeting addresses several important animal welfare topics.

      State of the Union Speech

      FOUR PAWS welcomes the mention of Climate Catastrophe and COVID-19 in the State of The Union Address but missed the link between Animal and Human Welfare

      While the speech addressed the two biggest threats the European Union currently faces, it failed to mention one of the main drivers behind both of these issues.

      Cow on a Meadow

      FOUR PAWS welcomes the adoption of the Own Initiative Report on the Farm To Fork Strategy by a joint vote of the Committee of Environment and the Committee of Agriculture

      After all of the compromise amendments were accepted yesterday, the animal welfare organisation welcomes the adoption of the entire report, despite certain weaknesses regarding animal welfare.

      End The Cage Age ECI Press Conference

      A win for farmed Animals – European Commission commits to banning cages in the EU

      The European Citizens Initiative (ECI) #EndTheCageAge was successful and caged farming should be phased out across the EU

      Cows in a transporter

      FOUR PAWS welcomes the Annex to the Council Conclusions asking for a ban on live animal exports

      The German, Dutch and Luxemburg Governments have submitted an annex that calls for a ban on all live animal transports to third countries

      pigs in a cage

      Big Success for the #EndTheCageAge ECI

      The EU Parliament passed a resolution on the “End The Cage Age” European Citizens Initiative and puts further pressure on the European Commission to improve welfare standards across the EU.

      Tiger Caruso

      European Parliament votes to adopt the Own Initiative Report on the Biodiversity Strategy 2030

      FOUR PAWS welcomes the adoption of the report, but was disappointed to see that some of the adopted amendments weakened the report’s impact on animal welfare. 

      Tiger in a Cage

      FOUR PAWS welcomes the outcome of today’s ENVI Committee vote on the EU Biodiversity Strategy Own Initiative Report!

      The passed amendments on the Own Initiative Report are an important step towards protecting biodiversity in the European Union!

      Cows in a Transporter

      FOUR PAWS welcomes the expected extension of the ANIT committee

      The committee, that is investigating animal transport matters, will continue its work throughout the hot summer months to further investigate animal welfare concerns during transports. 

      Caged hens

      Overwhelming support for the End The Cage Age Initiative in the European Parliament

      FOUR PAWS calls on the European Commission to act now, after a majority of MEPs supported the ECI in today’s hearing.

      Cow in a stable

      Evaluation of the EU Animal Welfare Strategy 2012-2015 – Enforcement is still a big issue!

      An evaluation of the strategy published by the European Commission supports what FOUR PAWS has been pointing out: despite the clear intentions of the strategy, there is a wide gap between legislation and enforcement of animal welfare regulations in the EU.

      Calves in a Truck


      FOUR PAWS, amongst other organisations, calls upon the EU to include ‘Animal Welfare’ in the title of the EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety.  

      Bear in a Circus

      FOUR PAWS calls upon EU Commission for a ban of wild animals in circuses

      Opinion poll shows majority of Europeans are against animal suffering in entertainment

      Mink in a cage

      New report finds that all mink farms should be considered “at risk” of COVID-19 infection

      On the cusp of the mink breeding season, which is set to resume at the end of this month, the European Food Safety Agency has released a report finding that all mink farms should be considered at risk for COVID-19 outbreaks and must be strictly monitored. 

      Mink in a cage

      FOUR PAWS statement on new FAO, OIE and WHO assessment on Sars-CoV-2 risks related to fur farming

      18 February 2021 – New assessment conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) on SARS-CoV-2 in animals used for fur farming shows high risks for Europe.

      Tiger behind cage bars

      FOUR PAWS launches MEP pledge calling for an end to the commercial trade in tigers and tiger parts in the EU

      The international animal welfare organisation encourages MEPs to show their support and call on the European Commission to end all commercial tiger trade. FOUR PAWS recently initiated a letter directed to the Commission and which was signed by 105 other NGOs echoing the demands of the pledge and the 6 MEPs who have already signed.


      Joint open letter to the European Commission: eliminating potential COVID-19 reservoir on EU mink farms

      To: Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides
            Commissioner for Agriculture, Janusz Wojciechowski


      No ‘new green revolution’… Not even an evolution

      Parliament goes for business as usual on the Common Agriculture Policy

      Mink at a fur farm

      COVID-19 Detected on Dutch Mink Farms

      FOUR PAWS demands ban on fur farms


      The EU should take the extra step for better traceability and safe pet trade

      Politicians, competent authorities, experts and consumers call for robust measures and legislation against the illegal trade in companion animals

      Tiger behind bars

      The Tiger Kings in Europe

      FOUR PAWS releases new report unveiling out-of-control captive tiger trade


      COVID-19: a failure in human-animal relations?

      International NGOs call on the EU’s top leaders to protect animals


      COVID-19: NGOs call on World Health Organisation to help stop next pandemic

      Ban on global wildlife markets could prevent such health crises in the future


      European Parliament requests mandatory registration of all dogs and cats to combat illegal pet trade

      FOUR PAWS welcomes the progressive decision in favour of animal welfare


      A step forward against illegal pet trade

      Today, the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) has voted in favor of the adoption of a Motion for a Resolution on “Protecting the EU’s internal market and consumer rights against the negative implications of the illegal trade in companion animals”.


      FOUR PAWS and Fur Free Alliance warn against 'WelFur' animal welfare label

      Fur production is responsible for the painful death of millions of animals every year


      four paws condemns the decision of the european commission to create a second reference center for fur

      FOUR PAWS condemns the decision of the European Commission earlier this month to include animals farmed for their fur in the 2nd reference centre for small farmed animals


      Booming Online Puppy Trade: Illegal, Fraudulent and Heartbreaking for Dogs and Buyers

      Booming online puppy trade: Illegal, fraudulent and heartbreaking for dogs and buyers. 


      EU Court of Auditors Delivers Negative Verdict on Commission's Farming Proposals

      FOUR PAWS shares the criticism of the Court of Auditors and pushes for better animal welfare.


      No Subsidies for Animal Transport Cruelty Outside the EU

      FOUR PAWS welcomes the ruling of the European Court of Justice that could affect 170 million live animals transported per year.


      Launch of Europe-wide Citizens' Initiative to End the Use of Cages

      FOUR PAWS joins the fight to #EndTheCageAge for farm animals across Europe.


      CAP Proposal Fails EU Citizens on Animal Welfare

      The proposal does not deliver on animal welfare and favours a Europe of different speeds


      Third Meeting of the EU Platform on Animal Welfare

      FOUR PAWS welcomes the creation of the voluntary initiative subgroup on improving the health and welfare of pets (dogs) in trade, and of other new subgroups.


      Animals Should Be Better Protected During Disasters

      FOUR PAWS welcomes today's European Parliament ENVI vote recognising the key role of animals during disasters.


      EU Commissioner for Health, Vytenis Andriukaitis: "We need to re-recognize that animals are sentient beings."

      FOUR PAWS hosts the first International Animal Welfare Summit in Vienna, Austria. 


      Disappointment after the 2nd meeting of the EU Animal Welfare Platform

      The EU Commission should take animal welfare more seriously


      New Report Calls for Clearer Labelling of Real Fur Products in the EU

      Four Paws: Half of fur items in Germany and Austria lack correct labelling.


      Belgian Animal Welfare Group to Fight Online Illegal Pet Trade

      FOUR PAWS joins the new animal welfare group BelgPAAG. 


      Future CAP Should Include Animal Welfare in the Decision-making Processes of the EC

      FOUR PAWS calls for welfare-friendly production to be taken into account.


      Official Response From EU Commissioner Andriukaitis Regarding the Online Trade of Companion Animals

      The EU Commission has no intention of regulating the online pet trade.


      Kick-off Meeting of the EU Platform on Animal Welfare at the EU Commission

      FOUR PAWS is looking forward to the exchange of best practices and the work to come, but reminds the EU Commission that it should take action, too


      EU Commission Choses Members of the EU Platform on Animal Welfare

      FOUR PAWS included in the EU Commission’s Platform on Animal Welfare. 


      European Parliament Recognises the Importance of Promoting the Welfare of Animals in the Garment Sector

      FOUR PAWS welcomes the adoption of the Initiative report on the EU Flagship initiative on the garment sector.


      European Parliament Adopts Resolution to Improve Equine Welfare

      FOUR PAWS congratulates Julie GIRLING, MEP, on approval of the initiative report on the responsible ownership and care of equines.


      Launch of the Animal Welfare Platform by the European Commission

      FOUR PAWS welcomes the launch of the Animal Welfare Platform by the Commission.


      Georgieva to Lead World Bank, FOUR PAWS Calls for Stronger Action on Animal Welfare

      FOUR PAWS congratulates Kristalina Georgieva on her new role and hopes for stronger animal welfare standards for international financial institutions.


      New Website for the EU Enforcement Network

      The EU Enforcement Network of Animal Welfare Lawyers and Commissioners has taken a step forward today with the publication of a new website.


      ECJ Decision on the Long-distance Transport of Live Animals: Regulation 1/2005 Clarified

      The EU Court of Justice clarifies regulations regarding travel time and rest time in the interest of animals. 


      International Experts Propose Roadmap to the EC to Improve Welfare of Dogs and Cats in the EU

      Conference: ‘Identification, Vaccination and Movement of Dogs and Cats in the EU: How to Improve the Pet Passport and TRACES Systems?’


      EU Cat and Dog Survey

      European Commission publishes report on the welfare of dogs and cats involved in commercial practices. VIER PFOTEN/FOUR PAWS welcomes the fact that CAROdog and CAROcat are mentioned as best examples. 


      Second Eurobarometer on Animal Welfare

      FOUR PAWS urges the Commission to listen to European citizens’ concerns on animal welfare.


      Final Vote on the Animal Health Law

      FOUR PAWS welcomes this new legislation as a first step to establishing EU mandatory identification and registration of companion animals.


      MEPs Back the Introduction of Mandatory Identification and Registration of Dogs and Cats in Europe

      FOUR PAWS welcomes this important step towards the greater traceability of companion animals in Europe


      EU Parliamentary Committee on the Environment Votes: Less Antibiotics for Farm Animals

      FOUR PAWS welcomes planned improvements in antibiotic regulations.


      An EU Animal Welfare Platform

      FOUR PAWS welcomes the European Council’s support of the idea of creating an EU Animal Welfare Platform.


      EU Parliament Debate on the Identification and Registration of Companion Animals

      VIER PFOTEN/FOUR PAWS welcomes the debate and in particular the Commission’s announcement on the start of preparatory work on the identification and registration (I&R) of pets in Europe.

