How to Get Your Dog Healthily Through Winter
Road salt, gravel and snow – keep your beloved friend safe in the cold season
Winter can be tough on your dog's paws due to road salt, gravel, and snow. These substances can cause discomfort and pain and -if not addressed- they may lead to serious health issues such as snow gastritis. Additionally, depending on the temperature and the time spent outside, your dog may be at risk of frostbite on their paws.1
Unless your dog wears special dog shoes, their paws are constantly exposed to road salt and gravel when walking on the pavement. The salt can get in between their toes, irritating the sensitive skin. Depending on how much salt is on the pavement it can also penetrate the paw pads leading to irritation. The combination of road salt, sharp-edged gravel and possibly sharp ice crusts can injure a dog’s paws and cause wounds and inflammation. Once this happens walking becomes difficult for your dog and they may begin to hobble, hold up their paws, and refuse to move on. At home, your dog might lick their paws, further irritating the sore spots to such an extent that eczema can develop and in the worst case an inflamed paw (pododermatitis).2 Any further contact with salted ground will become very painful. The salt dries out the paw-pads even further so that the cracks become deeper, and even more salt and gravel can penetrate.
First aid measures outdoors
When your dog shows signs of discomfort, it is imperative to leave the area and carefully clean the paws. It is best to bypass all the areas that have been salted or gravelled and choose alternative routes.
First aid measures at home
If necessary, treat the affected paw at home with medical treatment, e.g. with a wound ointment. Alternatively, see a veterinarian if you are unsure what to do or need help.3
Precautionary measures
- It is advisable to apply a special paw protection cream to the pads of the dog's paws before going for a walk. This keeps the skin supple and protects it from cracks. However, products containing tea tree oil must be avoided as tea tree oil can be toxic if your dog has ingested it, for example by licking their paw.4,5
- Consider getting your dog suitable winter shoes to protect their paws from the cold.
- If your dog has long fur, trim it carefully to prevent balls of ice from forming between the pads and toes.
- Make sure to keep your dog's claws short in winter too. Long claws cause the paws to spread out when walking, making it easier for irritants to get between the pads of the paws.
- Paths covered with salt and other aggressive grit should be avoided if possible.
- After your walks, clean your dog's paws with lukewarm water and dry them thoroughly.
Snow gastritis
Dogs love to play in the snow, and some may eat small or large amounts. However, for dogs with a sensitive stomach, this can lead to painful gastritis (acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa), especially if the snow is contaminated with road salt. Both the cold temperature of the snow and the pollutants can irritate the gastric mucous membranes. Depending on the amount ingested, the irritation can cause inflammation. The first symptoms are vomiting and diarrhoea. Other signs include increased thirst, stomach pain, and even blood in the vomit and diarrhoea.6 A veterinarian should be consulted if any of the symptoms are shown.
Preventive measures
To prevent the dog from eating snow, one should take the following measures
- Do not throw snowballs
- Keep your dog on a lead
- Use a muzzle if necessary
1Frostbite on Dog Paws: Signs and How Can it be Prevented. Emergency Veterinary Care Centers. 2021 Dec 8 [accessed 2024 Oct 7]. https://evcc.com/blog/frostbite-on-dog-paws/
2Pododermatitis in Dogs | VCA Animal Hospitals. Vca. [accessed 2024 Oct 7]. https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/pododermatitis-in-dogs
3First Aid for Torn or Injured Foot Pads in Dogs | VCA Animal Hospitals. Vca. [accessed 2024 Oct 7]. https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/first-aid-for-torn-or-injured-foot-pads-in-dogs
4Is Tea Tree Oil Safe for Dogs? [accessed 2024 Oct 7]. https://www.petmd.com/dog/poisoning/is-tea-tree-oil-safe-for-dogs
5Essential Oil and Liquid Potpourri Poisoning in Dogs | VCA | VCA Animal Hospitals. Vca. [accessed 2024 Oct 7]. https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/essential-oil-and-liquid-potpourri-poisoning-in-dogs
6Gastritis in Dogs | VCA Canada Animal Hospitals. VcaCanada. [accessed 2024 Oct 7]. https://vcacanada.com/know-your-pet/gastritis-in-dogs