The EU Wildlife ACtion Plan
A chance for the European Union to protect wildlife from legal and illegal trade
The European Commission has committed to revising the EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking under the Biodiversity Strategy 2030. Adopted in 2016 and active until 2020, the EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking detailed 32 lines of actions for prevention, enforcement and global partnerships to combat wildlife trafficking. Here is what happened so far:
- The Commission published a public consultation to gather the views of EU citizens and the civil society. Our experts contributed to the public consultation and highlighted the need to address jointly the legal and illegal trade in wildlife, pay particular attention to endangered captive-bred species such as tigers, and the need to provide more funding to wildlife sanctuaries and rescue centres and develop national actions plan to better manage confiscated wild animals.
- The European Commission also launched a targeted survey and targeted interviews addressed to wildlife experts, our team also contributed here.
- Our experts attended the stakeholder workshop organised by the European Commission to discuss the key elements that need to be addressed in the revised Action Plan. It was an excellent opportunity to raise awareness on the legal trade in endangered species, and especially in captive bred tigers.
The European Commission has now published the revised Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking